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AVG Ant-Virus Free 9.0 - AVG Үнэгүй 9.0

AVG хэмээх Антивирусын эсрэг программыг бид нэлээн сайн мэдэх билээ тэгвэл уг вирусны эсрэг программын маань шинэхэн хувилбар нь саяхан гаржээ.Уг антивирусын маань гол онцлог нь шинэчлэл буюу Update-г нь заавал интернэтэд холбогдолгүй зөөвөрлөөд хийчихэд амар байдаг давуу талтай болов уу.

AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 9.0
Award winning protection to meet your basic security needs

It’s always been our philosophy at AVG that everyone has the right to basic computer security at no charge. And our 80 million users think we’re doing a pretty good job. So if you’re planning to spend time online and you regularly exchange files with friends, check us out.

* Surf, and search with confidence, while LinkScanner® keeps you safe from harmful sites
* Get online and offline protection from viruses, spyware, and other nasties
* Enjoy consistently high-speed PC performance with our new enhanced virus scanner
* Automatic updates keep your protection current
* Compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7


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